DARMA Professional Development
DARMA provides a platform for exchange of best practice in the field of Research Management and Research Administration.
Some events are planned and carried out by the board, others by DARMA members. For some events, outside subject matter experts are hired, for others it is DARMA’s members who share their knowledge.
The Common Goal for all our events is our Professional Development.
Type of Events
Below is a list of events by DARMA and sister organisations, or other events of potential interest or relevance to DARMA’s members. Feel free to Contact the Board if we have missed an event that should be here. If you are a DARMA member and would like financial support to attend an event online or in-peson, you can apply for a DARMA Stipend.
You can filter on the active events. Choosing no filters show you all upcoming events.
DARMA’s årsmøde 2025 – få byggeklodser til fremtidens forskningsstøtte
DARMA inviterer hermed alle medlemmer til årsmødet 2025, hvor vi under temaet “Forskningsstøtte under forandring” stiller skarpt på de dynamiske forandringer og nye (kompetence)krav, der præger vores profession.
Events are listed in descending order by date of the event
DARMA Annual Meeting
The DARMA Annual Meeting is the premier event for networking with RMA peers in Denmark. The content of the meeting varies every year but follows a general theme of talks, discussions and network activities all relevant for the RNA members. The Annual Meeting is a great opportunity to meet your fellow colleagues and exchange views
The General assembly is held in connection with the Annual Meeting
Following the links in the overview to find the available information about DARMA’s past Annual Meetings. Please note that in 2012, DARMA hosted the INORMS 2012 Conference in Copenhagen, which also functioned as DARMA’s annual meeting.
- 2024 EARMA 2024, Odense
- 2023 DARMA Annual Meeting, Nyborg
- 2022 DARMA Annual Meeting, Fredericia
- 2021 DARMA Annual Meeting, online
- 2020 DARMA Annual Meeting, Cancelled due to COVID-19 Lockdown
- 2019 DARMA Annual Meeting, Nyborg
- 2018 DARMA Annual Meeting, Nyborg
- 2017 DARMA Annual Meeting, Nyborg
- 2016 DARMA Annual Meeting, Nyborg
- 2015 DARMA Annual Meeting, Odense
- 2014 DARMA Annual Meeting, Frederiksberg
- 2013 DARMA Annual Meeting, Århus
- 2012 INORMS 2012, Copenhagen
- 2011 DARMA Annual Conference, Aarhus
- 2010 DARMA Annual Meeting, C
- 2009 DARMA Inaugural Annual Meeting, Aarhus
DARMA General Assembly
According to the DARMA Bylaws the General Assembly must be held each year in May or June. The General Assembly is where the Board members are elected and the direction of the Association is agreed upon.
Minutes from the DARMA General Assemblies are available to download. Most of the minutes are written in Danish.
DARMA Bylaws
Download DARMA Bylaws: Vedtægter (vedtaget juni 2022)
- DARMA Ekstraordinær Generalforsamling 2024 referat
- DARMA Generalforsamling 2024 referat
- DARMA Generalforsamling 2023 referat
- DARMA Generalforsamling 2022 referat
- DARMA Generalforsamling 2021 referat
- DARMA Generalforsamling 2020 referat
- DARMA Generalforsamling 2019 referat
- DARMA Ekstraordinær generalforsamling 2018 referat
- 2018 Referat mangler
- DARMA Generalforsamling 2017 referat
- DARMA Generalforsamling 2016 referat
- DARMA Generalforsamling 2015 referat
- DARMA Generalforsamling 2014 referat
- DARMA Generalforsamling 2013 Minutes
- DARMA Generalforsamling 2012 referat
- 2011 Referat mangler
- 2010 Referat mangler
- DARMA Generalforsamling 2009 referat
- DARMA stiftende Generalforsamling 2008 referat