2015 DARMA Annual Meeting
2015-Forskningsfinansiering_Aagaard 2015-Private-fonde_Svenningsen 2015-Professionel forskningsadministration_Andersen 2015-Tyske-fonde_Normann 2015 DARMA Årsmøde deltagerliste 2015-ESS-Overview_TiirakariThe Annual Conference 2015 will be held in Auditorium O100 at the University of Southern Denmark, at Campusvej 55 in Odense on 8-9 June, 2015, see program below for detailed schedule, and the box on the right for practical information.
The conference is open for members only and most of the conference this year will be in Danish.
8 June | Where? Auditorium O100 at SDU, Campusvej 55, Odense M |
11:30–12:30 | Registration and buffet lunch in SDU’s Restaurant |
12:30–13:30 | General Assembly 2015 (members only) |
13:30–13:35 | Welcome and opening of the conference |
Theme: | Private foundations in Denmark and abroad |
13.35–14.20 | Civilsamfundsfinansiering (Eleni Marinos Hagerup, Jimmy Bruun Felthaus, Trine Marie Melchior Madsen, FI) |
Repræsentanter fra UFM vil fortælle om ministeriets igangværende projekt om private fonde. UFMs projekt sætter bl.a. fokus på de private fondes betydning for dansk forskning, innovation og videregående uddannelse samt på, hvordan der kan sikres gode rammebetingelser for samarbejdet med fondene. | |
Coffee break | |
14.30–15:15 | Det tyske fondslandskab – oplæg om fondsmulighederne i Tyskland (Emilie Normann, München) |
15:15–16:00 | Udenlandske private fonde – erfaringer, muligheder og udfordringer (Olaf Svenningsen) |
Resultatet af rundspørge til DARMA’s medlemmer om udenlandske fonde vil præsenteres, og et par udenlandske private fonde præsenteres (bl.a. Wallenbergstiftelserna i Sverige, et par amerikanske og britiske fonde) med oplæg til diskussion om hvordan udenlandske fonde kunne udnyttes af danske institutioner. | |
16:00–17:00 | Break-out sessions with DARMA’s old and new Special Interest Groups (ERFA-grupper) |
18:00–21:00 | Dinner at Nordatlantisk Hus at Nordatlantisk Promenade 1, 5000 Odense C in Odense Harbour. |
9 June | Where? Auditorium O100 at SDU, Campusvej 55, Odense M |
09.00–09:15 | Follow-up on Special Interest Groups |
09:15–10.00 | Professionel forskningsadministration? Jamen jeg er jo Pro’ ikk? (Jan Andersen, KU og EARMA’s bestyrelse) |
Et oplæg om hvordan man kan arbejde struktureret med sin karriereudvikling. Jan Andersen, medlem af EARMA’s bestyrelse og medlem af EARMAs Professional Development Working Group, der står bag det første europæiske certificerede efter- og videreuddannelsesprogram for forskningsadministratorer. | |
Coffee break | |
10:15–11:15 | Forskningsfinansiering og forskningsperformance: Er der en sammenhæng? (Kaare Aagaard, Aarhus Universitet) |
Oplægget tager udgangspunkt i en kortlægning af udviklingen af det danske forskningsfinansieringssystem og forsøger med udgangspunkt i bibliometriske indikatorer at undersøge mulige sammenhænge mellem forskningspolitiske forandringer og ændringer i performance). | |
11:15–12:15 | European Spallation Source: Overview and Project Status (Matti Tiirakari, Director for Project Support and Administration at ESS) |
The presentation will summarise the background and current status of the 1.8 billion Euro ESS project, and describe how a project like that is set up with a special angle on the administrative and organisational challenges. | |
12:15–13:15 | Conclusion and lunch |
13:15–15:00 | Optional if interest: Guided tour of SDU including the new Health Sciences and Hospital project – details will follow. |
Download the 2015 DARMA Årsmøde deltagerliste
Practical Information
Venue: The Annual Conference 2015 will be held in Auditorium O100 at the University of Southern Denmark, at Campusvej 55 in Odense on 8-9 June, 2015.
Transport: Comprehensive information, including clickable maps, on getting to and from SDU’s main campus by different means of transportation can be accessed here…
If arriving by car, please be aware that walking from the distant parking lots (3, 4 and 9) to O100 can take between 10 and 15 minutes!
The Conference Dinner takes place at at Nordatlantisk Hus at Nordatlantisk Promenade 1, 5000 Odense C in Odense Harbour. Please consider taking the time to explore the interesting surroundings.
How to register
To register, first log in, then click the “Register” button at the bottom of the dark blue field on the event page, and follow the instructions
The conference fee is DKK 1,000 without VAT/moms; this is a unit price and no rebates are available. Please refer to the information box to the right regarding registration, payment, and lodging options.
How to pay
At the end of registration process, you will be prompted to pay the registration fee. You can choose to pay later.
The fee can be paid either directly or later by credit card (“Pay online”) or electronic invoice, payable by EAN number (“e-faktura”).