Staff Management
Contact person: Jane Finnerup Johnsen, CBS
Board Liaison: TBA
Special Interest Group on Staff Management
This Special Interest Group gives the leaders in RMA the opportunity to strengthen the quality and effect of their work by meeting and discussing topics and issues related to personnel management in a specific RMA context.
Motivation and background
DARMA’s SIG for Staff Management was established by DARMA’s Board in the autumn of 2013 and held its first meeting January 2014. The purpose of this SIG is to give the leaders in the Danish RMA context an opportunity to strengthen the quality and effect of their work by meeting and discussing topics and issues related to personnel management in our profession. Examples of topics can be:
- Recruitment
- Retention
- Staff development
- Management of knowledgeable employees
- Organizational development
- Personnel responsibility
- Organization of a research support office
- Management information
The SIG is the formal framework for our joint forum, in which managers of or in Danish research support offices can meet for the above purposes.
The SIG is managed by the contact person, who ensures that meetings are convened, the agenda is sent to all members of the SIG and uploaded to the SIG’s area on DARMA’s website. The board liaison can be helpful in posting material on the website, etc.
The host of the meeting is responsible for sending Outlook invitations to the Group members, book a meeting room and order food/drinks. The host of the following meeting is the minute taker and distribute the minutes to the members who attended the meeting within a week. Minutes are considered confidential and are not distributed to non SIG-members or posted online.
Finances and resources
This SIG meets 2-3 times a year as needed. The meetings are held online or in-person and the agenda as well as the time and place for the next meeting are agreed from time to time.
The SIG does not have its own budget or finances. Expenses for meals in connection with meetings can be covered by DARMA by prior agreement with the Treasurer. Travel expenses are borne by the individual members themselves (usually covered by their home institutions).
How do I become a member of the SIG Staff Management
To be a member of the SIG on Staff Management you must be a member of DARMA, and you must have a management function with personnel responsibilities within RMA. Personnel management is defined in this context as holding ‘MUS’.
DARMA’s President can attend the meetings regardless of whether he or she has management responsibility or not.
Contact the board liaison if you would like to become a member of the SIG on Staff Management.
24 Members
Name |
Phone |
Organisation |
Unit |
Philip Hallenborg | +4529726880 | | Syddansk Universitet | Det Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet |
Melanie Büscher | | ITU | ||
Camilla Lillholm-Jørgensen | +4530589643 | | University of Copenhagen (KU) | Department of Computer Science |
Søren Mulvad Sølvkjær | +4587551849 | | VIA University College | Educational development & Project support |
Esben Flindt | +4540473773 | | University of Southern Denmark (SDU) | SDU RIO |
Laila Østergren | +4529919151 | | Copenhagen Business School (CBS) | Økonomisupporten |
Nicolaj Tofte Brenneche | | Det Kongelige Akademi | Forskningsadministrationen | |
Poul Schjørring | +4526715136 | | University of Copenhagen (KU) | Research & Information Security |
Johannes Lundin Brockdorff | +4522822901 | | Technical University of Denmark (DTU) | DTU, AFRI, Afdeling for Forskning og Rådgivning, Research Support DTU |
Annedorte Vad | +4522332636 | | University of Copenhagen (KU) | Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences |
Susanne Kjelstrup | +4593507020 | | University of Southern Denmark (SDU) | Den Tekniske Fakultetsadministration, TEK - Forskerstøtte |
Birgitte Grundtvig Huber | +4526233510 | | University of Copenhagen (KU) | Det Humanistiske Fakultet |
Cecilie Ydemann | +4529853287 | | University of Copenhagen (KU) | Forskning & Innovation, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet |
Christina Dahl | +4593522275 | | Aarhus University (AU) | Research Support Office |
Claus Bomhoff | +4530295063 | | Frederiksberg Hospital | Parker Instituttet |
Lone Ladegaard Laursen | +4524779009 | | University of Southern Denmark (SDU) | Syddansk Forskerstøtte |
Karam Sidaros | +4530261325 | | Hvidovre Hospital | Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance |
Rune Nørgaard Jørgensen | +4565502591 | | University of Southern Denmark (SDU) | Faculty of Humanities |
Susanne Feldt Jørgensen | +4565501356 | | University of Southern Denmark (SDU) | Faculty of Business and Social Sciences |
Lone Petersen | +4541852075 | | CBS | PhD Support |
Katrine Sonne-Hansen | +4521329040 | | Københavns universitet | Biotech research and innovation centre |
Trine Monty | +4521849611 | | Københavns Universitet | SCIENCE Forskning og Innovation |
Jane Finnerup Johnsen | +4528936924 | | Copenhagen Business School, CBS | Research Support Office, RSO |
Jacob Kristoffer Hansen | +4530291048 | | Novo Nordisk Fonden | Grant Management |
News and events
Nudging for forskerstøttemedarbejdere
Forskning inden for den del af psykologien, som ligger til grund for nudging, peger på, at vi har for stor tillid til gode argumenter og tiltro til, at mennesker (og måske især forskere) altid træffer rationelle beslutninger. Men langt de fleste beslutninger og handlinger træffes nemlig hurtigt og instinktivt. Selv eksperter og mennesker i stærkt specialiserede stillinger. Hvis vi vil være bedre til at påvirke adfærd, må vi kende og arbejde med de principper, som ligger til grund for menneskers hurtige og instinktive beslutningsprocesser.
DARMA’s årsmøde 2025 – få byggeklodser til fremtidens forskningsstøtte
DARMA inviterer hermed alle medlemmer til årsmødet 2025, hvor vi under temaet “Forskningsstøtte under forandring” stiller skarpt på de dynamiske forandringer og nye (kompetence)krav, der præger vores profession.