Relevance & Imprint of RMA Associations
Relevance & Imprint of RMA Associations
Contribute to the upcoming book about RMA by answering this questionnaire. Deadline 15 July 2022.
My name is Virág Zsár and I am working as Senior Grant Advisor at HETFA Research Institute and conducting PhD Studies at the Corvinus University of Budapest. I am a dedicated RMA initiating numerous projects to increase opportunities for people in the profession but also promoting it to other stakeholders as well as training potential future RMAs. Currently I am involved as regional editor in the “Emerald Handbook of Research Management and Administration around the World”.
As part of this work, I am preparing a study revealing the importance of associations of Research Managers and Administrators (RMAs) at the national, transnational, EU and/or international levels. The aim is to identify the relevance and the main imprint of the membership and activities of associations operating in Western and Northern European countries. The results are expected to provide a rationale for establishing similar initiatives in Widening Countries, including primarily EU-13 countries (Member States having accessed the EU since 2004), Western Balkan and Eastern Partnership Countries.
If you are also working in research support understood as broad as possible and do have membership in any of the associations, platforms or other type of organizations gathering RMAs, I would like to ask you to help my investigation by completing this quick online questionnaire which does not take more than 10 minutes. I did my best to focus on the most important aspects. Nevertheless, by answering the questions and, if necessary, providing extra explanation will support my work immensely.
The deadline is the 15th of July.
Thank you a lot in advance for completing the questionnaire and contributing to reach our aims.
Best wishes,
Virág Zsár
The completion of the questionnaire is anonymous. All data are treated confidentially. Data will not be forwarded to third parties. I plan to publish professional and scientific studies in the following 5 years based on these data. Only aggregate data that cannot be identified and the resulting conclusions are published. Nobody is obliged to provide personal data, and the lack of data does not have any potential consequences. One can revoke its participation at any time and request to delete its data.