Intellectual Property Incentives Survey | Denmark
Intellectual Property Incentives Survey | Denmark
DARMA has been approached by Civitta, a consulting company working under contract with the Lithuanian National Patent Office, about promoting a survey on Intellectual Property Incentives and you have the opportunity to participate.
The survey is brief and should take only 5-10 minutes to complete.
Here is the link to the survey:
Civitta wrote:
. I am reaching out to you on behalf of Civitta, a consulting company working under contract with the Lithuanian National Patent Office. Our aim is to develop a national IP strategy that will provide a comprehensive system of incentives for IP development and IP rights protection. One of the project stages is the analysis of incentivisation measures used abroad, and we chose Denmark as one of the countries for this task.
To achieve this goal, we are conducting a short survey on IP policy in Denmark and seeking the opinions of various stakeholders (such as representatives from IP offices, universities, businesses, patent attorneys, and other policymakers) on existing incentives in your country. By gathering this information, we aim to identify best practices from abroad and assess their potential for implementation in Lithuania.
On behalf of
Milda Bylaitė
Gediminas Ave. 27 Vilnius Lithuania